Wednesday, June 01, 2011

1536 - WBC

I found a documentary about Westboro Baptist church. It's 58 minutes. And not safe for kids.

You really see in this documentary what a sociopath Fred Phelps is and how brain washed people can become. I would expect all of the Phelps to be drinking coolaid together some day.



Bilbo said...

Not soon enough.

Amanda said...

This is interesting. I've only watched 10 minutes of it but I'll be coming back.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm scared of those people...

Mike said...

B - Maybe we can mix some up for them.

A - I thought you might be interested in this. Especially since your not bombarded with there *&#% like we are.

MD - But they're nice. Just ask 'em.

Raquel's World said...

Who in the hell has 58 minutes??
Come on Mike...share your readers time with other blogs. Jeesh. ;)

Mike said...

RW - You could watch one minute a day for the next..... 1 dividied by.... 58 DAYS!!! :)

Jay said...

I'm not watching it. I watch many parts of "Jesus Camp" and that was just soooo disturbing. I'll pass on this one.

Mike said...

J - You don't know what your missing!

Dianne said...

I too saw Jesus Camp and was horrified and so as I started watching this I began to have PTSD flashbacks

Mike said...

D - Now I'm going to have to watch Jesus camp.