Sunday, June 05, 2011

1540 - Shorts

Some shorts from around the nets.

You can watch the whole thing or jump to the end to see the result.

Nice picture? That's because it's 16 times better than high definition. Go HERE and watch your new TV disappear into obscurity in 1 minute and 23 seconds.

Nice doggy, yummy doggy.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

Talented elephant, but I have to say the dog eating plant was the funniest :)

Amanda said...

I love elephants! I wonder how they managed to train it to be so precise? You can actually see the trunk aiming for where it needs to put the brush down at.

Mike said...

MD - No one jumped in the bushes to save the doggie did they? Cowards!!

A - Somebody obviously spent a lot of time with it.