Tuesday, June 07, 2011

1542 - Sarah Sarah Sarah

Well guess who is rewriting history. Little Miss Sarah Palin. Here's the news story in case you didn't see it.

And then to have supporters (supposedly) try and change Wikipedia to match her story?

Here's what I think. The Repubs are letting her run wild because anybody they put up against her will look sane.

And if that wasn't funny enough for you here's a toon.


Bonus!!!!! Earthquake in Missouri.

M 4.2, Missouri

Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011 08:10:34 UTC
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 03:10:34 AM at epicenter
Depth: 5.10 km (3.17 mi)

I was just shutting down the computer when the walls, windows, desk and chair shook for a few seconds. It was a 'what was that' moment. The quake was 50 to 60 miles southwest of St. Louis. You can see more by going HERE. Click on the 'past 7 days by age' link on the site.



Bilbo said...

Anyone who could envision a clueless twit like Sarah Palin as president deserves the sort of country that would result. I think your assessment of why the GOP puts up with her is as good an explanation as any.

Amanda said...

Earthquakes and tornados! Wow...you're experiencing it all.

Bilbo said...

We had a small earthquake here a year or so ago...you described it correctly as a "what was that?" moment. Glad you're okay. Amanda has floods, you have earthquakes and tornados, I have Congress...we should all get together and move someplace safe, if there is one.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Mike I love your explanation of why the R's let Palin run amoke.
She makes me feel brilliant though.

An earthquake in the midwest?
Hope all are safe!

And i'm with Bilbo - let's find that safe place....my husband says he's moving to an island so he doesn't have to deal with all this election "stuff"

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Sarah Palin is the crazy comic relief of the Republican Party...What scares me the most about her is that I think people would vote for her..

Yet they wouldn't vote for Hillary. ARGH

Jay said...

What I love is when Chris Wallace was laughing at her while she was trying to defend her version of history. Even her supporters at Fox News are mocking her and she's too stupid to see it.