Here's an article about bad neighbors and what they can cost you.
(See the picture? I know of some jerk that did this to an elderly neighbor.)
The people living next door aren't who you think they are.
1. "Complaining will cost you dearly."
2. "I will use your Wi-Fi -- and get you arrested."
3. "Good luck blocking out our din."
4. "I'm a registered sex offender."
5. "We're ripping up the flower beds and planting corn."
6. "My apartment has bed bugs."
7. "I'm secretly stealing your land."
8. "Our bad behavior will give the street a bad name."
9. "We're not paying our mortgage."
10. "You're moving? I'll cut $20,000 off your sale price."
Musical Sunday
4 hours ago
Somebody's been spying on my neighborhood...
The family that lived across the street from us some years ago played their stereo so loud that it was ear-splitting in our house ... with all the doors and windows closed. Repeated requests didn't help, nor did visits from the police after we all ganged up and made a formal complaint. The ass-clowns finally moved away, without ever apologizing ... or turning down the music.
With all the noise we make, I think we're the neighbors that everybody would like to get rid of. Its gotten to the point that I try to only let the kids out when I think people are at work. I've gotten a few unfriendly stares on weekend mornings recently.
Oh plz... between the pig slaughtering, the alleged crack house, all night fiestas and the busy body next door I could write a whole novel on neighbors.
J - Luckily I don't live in a cookie cutter neighborhood.
B - I know of a couple that has driven away 5 neighbors. One neighbor took a $200,000 loss on their house to get away. A future post!
A - You can never make everyone happy. People were not meant to live so close to each other. It's not 'normal'.
RW - Write that book. It could get you out of there.
In Louisville KY last night [nice affluent part of town] a group of kids were runing up to doors ringing the bell and then running away. A man opened his door and shot at te kids, wounding a 12 year old. Although people are saying "he was such a nice man" it seems he didnt' like kids playing that game.
C - Just a " ' "little" ' " bit of an over reaction.
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