So when I get emails like this I check them out. And I hope they keep coming.
You must read the ending........................
See the editorial under the last picture.
That says it all!
The Emma Maersk, part of a Danish shipping line, is shown in the photos below.
(Then there are a bunch of pictures and stats about the ship.)
(And then the ending.)
Editorial Comment!
A recent documentary in late March, 2010 on the History Channel noted that all of these containers are shipped back to China, EMPTY. Yep, that's right. We send nothing back on these ships. What does that tell you about the current financial state of this country? Just keep buying those imported goods (mostly gadgets) until you run out of money.
Then you may wonder what the cause of unemployment (maybe even your job) in the U.S. and Canada might be????
'Nuff said ??
Nuff said? Apparently not. Here's something from the wikipedia file on the ship.
***** Emma Mærsk's regular round trip involves Ningbo, Xiamen, Hong Kong (westbound), Yantian (westbound), Algeciras (westbound), Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Algeciras (eastbound), Yantian (eastbound), Hong Kong (eastbound) and Ningbo. ******
This ship doesn't come anywhere near the United States. Maybe they got this info from Bachmanns' staff.
Wow. You actually check out emails you get. The last time I did that was when I received one about all the extra cool things you can do with your Nokia unlocking your car. Heard of that one?
"There's nothing wrong with being conservative or liberal if you stay away from the fringes." You da man, Mike! Happy Fourth of July!
it's amazing and pathetic the amount of dis-information going around and most people just eat it up without question
A - It's fun to send them back with the correct information.
B - Happy 4th back at you.
D - Disinformation, a nice word for crap.
Amanda - Here's a video explaining what they were talking about with the cell phone and car. -
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