Wednesday, July 27, 2011

1592 - I can do this

This is a nice calming picture right? It is, it is!

Where did I get this? From a site called Do Nothing for 2 Minutes.

The whole point is to do nothing on your computer while a clock counts down from 2 minutes to zero. See if you can do it. Just look at the picture and relax.

Now the funny thing here is asking a retired guy to do this. Here's how it works.

Retired guy pulls up picture and accepts challenge. Retired guy leans back in chair and closes eyes for two or more minutes. Retired guy opens eyes and sees congratulatory message. Retired guy wonders if anything else is going to happen. Retired guy closes eyes again and waits.

Retired guy is still waiting.



Bilbo said...

Retired guy should run for Congress if he wants to just sit and do nothing for minutes ... hours ... days ... weeks at a time while clocks count down to zero.

Amanda said...

I'm not even going to attempt it. I probably won't make it the whole two minutes and if I did, I'd be hating it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Saving this for mid day - too calm in the morning. I could do this for hours so 2 minutes is a snap.
Oh wait, I have to do this sober?

Raquel's World said...

Is there an app for that?

Mike said...

B - And get PAID too.

A - We need to talk.

M - Soberness is not a requirement.

RW - I'm not in the app world yet so I don't know.

I'm With Stupid said...

It's always amazing how long 2 minutes can really be.

Mike said...

IWS - What's the old saying? How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.

Claudia said...

Re: last comment of your own...Then it may very well be that how positive the outcome is all hangs on whether or not you're wearing Depends.