Thursday, August 11, 2011

1607 - Get out!

Not Alway Right edits their stories so you can't tell the business the story is about. Except this time it's pretty obvious that it's Borders Bookstore. But the point here is how many times would somebody in retail like to be in this position?


Of Empty Threats And Even Emptier Stores
| Boston, MA, USA | Bookstore
(I work at a large bookstore which is in the process of liquidation sales. One of the rules of this sale is that we don’t take any returns. There are huge signs all over the store that say, “Going out of business.”)

Customer: “I want to return this book, but I don’t have the receipt.”

Me: “I’m very sorry, ma’am, but we are no longer accepting returns since the store is closing.”

Customer: “What? You’ve always let me return books.”

Me: “I know, but we are closing now, so there are no returns.”

Customer: “This is ridiculous! I’m taking my business elsewhere.”

Me: “That’s fine. We’re closing.”

Customer: “I mean it. I’ll never shop here again.”

Me: “Yes, I know. We’ll be closed.”

Customer: “I spend a lot of money here, and now I’m going to go buy my books online or something.”

Me: “Yes, you probably should. This store will be gone.”

Customer: “I’m leaving here and I’m never coming back. Do you hear me? Never!” *storms out*



Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

In all seriousness this makes me sad on so many levels. I hate the Kindle.

Mike said...

I agree seriously with your seriousness. But.. think how many clerks are getting to take out years of frustration of dealing with the public.

Bilbo said...

I'm learning to read on my iPad, and while it's small and handy, it's just nothing like a real book. I'll miss Borders. Stupid customers, not so much.

Dianne said...

I love real books and don't want anything else
I hope my Barnes & Noble stays alive

Amanda said...

I was a little sad that the bookstore closest to us closed but guess what? Another one opened up at the same spot 2 days later!

Raquel's World said...

Lol- That was funny!
I wish I could do that here. Don't tell anyone but when someone really gets under my skin and they threaten to go elsewhere I will even download our competitors registration form for them to give them on the way out!

Claudia said...

I heard these little kids talking to their parents at Border's the other night, dialoguing about how sad they were about it closing, etc. The kids were cute, but I thought the parents were laying it on thick with their grief support. Next thing you know, there will be psychological counselors available in Borders on the last day. I'll be in line...

Mike said...

B - Exactly

D - There is a B&N not to much further from me than the Borders.

A - The spot of our Borders is already being scoped out by other businesses.

RW - You need to be sending things into Not Always Right.

C - I'll be there with you.

Anonymous said...

The next business located the same place is a tragedy..