OK so TODAY is actually my birthday. I've been a little off since last week. OK OK, for a long time now. But I've been a day ahead since last Friday or Saturday. So I thought yesterday was going to be today but obviously not.
I went to bed about 4am and Claudia stirred. I said 'hey it's my birthday!' She responded with 'no it's not'. I then remembered that I had posted my little diddy on my blog and rushed to delete the diddy line. To late. Since Bilbo gets up at O dark thirty he had already commented. I could have deleted his comment, corrected the post, and then accused him of being senile when he asked where his comment went. A good politician would have done that. But I decided to go with the flow. It was more fun anyway. Even if it did distract from the best Pearls cartoon ever.
You can go to Wikipedia (November 30) and put in your birthday and find out what has happened on that day over the years. Here are a few people that have the same birthday as me.
1667 – Jonathan Swift, Irish writer and satirist (d. 1745)
1835 – Mark Twain, American writer (d. 1910)
1874 – Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of UK(d. 1965)
1929 – Dick Clark, American television host
Nothing of any significance happened in 1946 though. My year is not represented on that wiki page. But there are pages for the year 1946 and November 1946. Still, not much happened. Except ME!
4 hours ago
Happy Birthday!
"Still, not much happened. Except ME!".....Well that was obviously enough!
Happy Bday old man! (I can say that because I am running close behind)
Happy Birthday, Mike. Make Claudia take you to Ted Drewe's today!
Happy birthday Mike!
B - Thanks!
M - I'm catching up to dirt.
J - They may have closed down and switched over to Christmas trees by now. I'll have to check.
R - Thanks!
Dang! Happy Birthday Mike. If I had time to check blogs before the show starts on Wed I would have giving you a birthday shout-out on the air.
Anyway, hope it's a great one.
J - I was going to get up early for the show today. Didn't happen.
Every day is Happy Day with you in my life!
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