Yes I had my first spam message on yesterdays post. BUT. Something weird happened. The spam message showed up in my notification email. But when I went to my post and looked at the comments it was gone.
Usually when someone deletes a comment the comment trace is left behind saying 'comment deleted'. Then you usually know that the next comment has all the typos fixed from the deleted comment.
BUT. No trace. It's like Blogger saw it and totally zapped it. Since I number my posts it's pretty easy to tell where the comment came from.
At first I thought it was "a friend" playing a joke. But unless I have a friend that speaks Russian I don't think that was it.
If anyone is interested I'll email you the spam message. It's probably harmless. Go ahead. Click the link. I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Trust me.
And how could I miss an opportunity to post at 2/21/12 12:21?
4 hours ago
I just did a post on KFC and reflected on how good I've been for not having any for over six months. And now you have a photo of SPAM, even if it is Russion SPAM, which is another unhealthy food that I like. One I haven't had since the Brisbane floods a year ago!
My mind is full of thoughts of unhealthy food!
Spam? What Spam? I didn't see any Spam. Nothing to see here, folks, just move along ...
Russian Spam has vodka in it! I know, I'm part Russian
I love your post date/time stamp
Huh. In my experience, spammer comment but not on the current post. Like I can't find it. Silly spammers!
Oh No!!!! I was Twitter Spammed the other day. That was awful!
Well now you've hit the big time!
A - Your the only person I've ever known that has admitted to liking spam. Good for you. People around here eat it but won't tell anybody.
B - Maybe it was the magic Bilbo that zapped it.
D - Everything Russian has vodka in it. Includung you! Right?
LET - I've got everything older than 30 days on comment moderation so I don't see .... Wait! With WV off I may start getting that too! ARRRGGGGGHHHH!
L - Your comment reminds me of the twinkee joke the other day.
RW - I'll follow that spam link to find out rich I'm going to become.
It's okay though because the Russian spammer is a 6' tall leggy blond bombshell. So, it's all good.
J - She's all yours. Just follow the link.
Here they come Lizbeth. I just got a spam comment on a post from the middle of last year.
Spam can be passable if soaked to remove saome of the salt and jelly, then fried.
But better go with a salad.
SPAM in the place where you face left...
Sorry, having a Weird Al moment there.
EPT - I'll take your word for it.
MD - Well that was just... weird.
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