Time for a visit to Not Always Right. (Sidebar for link)
Shocking Mystery Solved
library | Phoenix, AZ, USA | Bizarre, Religion, Rude & Risque
(I work in the call center of a public library. Occasionally, we get strange callers just because it is free and we are required to talk to them.)
Caller: “You need to help me! The Mormons are giving electric shocks to my genitals through my windows!”
Me: “Um, this is a library, I’m not sure what—”
Caller: “You have to help me! I called the police but they won’t help me. They say I’m crazy. It’s the Mormons! They keep shocking my genitals!”
Me: “Well, uh, let me put you on hold for a second.”
(I put her on hold and call out the situation to the other librarians in the call center. One of them happens to be Mormon.)
Me: “I have a caller who claims Mormons are shocking her genitals through her windows.”
Mormon coworker: “We are.”
No, It’s Because The Owner Is Stupid
Supermarket | London, UK | Pets & Animals
(A man brings his dog into our supermarket.)
Coworker: “I’m sorry, but there are no dogs allowed inside unless it is a service dog.”
Customer: *with straight face* “It’s because my dog is black, isn’t it? I could sue you!”
The Year Of Spending Dangerously (without Word Verification turned on)
Retail | Utah, USA | At The Checkout
Me: “Since you’re using a credit card, I need to see your ID, please.”
Customer: “Oh, for crying out loud!”
Me: “Ma’am, we ask for ID for your safety.”
Customer: *getting agitated* “Well, I don’t want to be safe, so just knock it off already!”
Another exciting post time - 222121222 // :
Oh, Bill.
5 minutes ago
These are like those funny snippets in Readers Digest. Always make me laugh out loud!
I LOVE the Mormon co-worker
my son works for the phone company, has for 14 years
he's also the union rep for his garage
you'd like him
have you put comment moderation on older posts, that will kill the old spam
A - The Morman one made me laugh and got me looking for more.
D - MCw is great.
I was a union rep for a short while too.
Yes, I have CM turned on for older posts. But I still get the email.
These were a great laugh!
Was the caller's name Newt?
Shocking genitals....that's good. Well, only if your genitals aren't being shocked.
BSH - They get some good ones on that site.
EPT - I think it was Newtess.
L - So your not going to give it try just for fun?
Mike I am having a bad bad day so i thank you for the giggles!
The service dog one is wonderful. You just KNOW that some ass clown here in the US would probably spin off a stupid comment like that ... and then actually sue. People are dumb like that.
Now I know why I kept getting that tingling feeling in my genitals. It was coming from the Mormons upstairs.
MPP - Nothing like Morman genital shocks to make your day better.
B - Amen to that.
J - Your doctor may differ with you.
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