Saturday, March 17, 2012

1830 - Psychobull

Go ahead. Invest your money on Wall Street.

From the Huffington Post - One Out Of Every Ten Wall Street Employees Is A Psychopath, Say Researchers

Some psychologists have long claimed that the qualities that make for a high-achieving politician or stockbroker are also the same traits that psychopaths have in abundance.

This bullshits' for you. It makes the shamrocks grow.

That's right. You could be turning your money over to a psychopath. Or your financial advisor is dealing with a company that's full of them. What the hell. It's only money. Right?



Bilbo said...

I always knew about the stockbrokers, but the "high-achieving politician" is a new one. And what exactly is a "high-achieving politician," anyhow ... I can't think of any who have achieved much of anything for quite a while.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Why are the bull's testicles shiny?

Mike said...

B - Getting elected is their highest achivement.

EPT - Could it be.... GIRLS doing that?

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Surely they're polished for luck.

High-achieving psychopaths may be less damaging than stupid stockbrokers and politicians.

Mike said...

E - Amen to that.

The Bastard King of England said...

They worship Mammon openly there, and squeezing the bull's tackle is part of their m.o.

Mike said...

That was a new use for the word tackle for me. But it's the number one definition in the urban dictionary.

Banana Oil said...

Well, they never talk about a steer market!!

Mike said...

BO - And there's two shiny reasons why in the picture.

Bilbo said...

I find all the comments on the bull's testicles interesting. I never even noticed them when I looked at the picture. Oh, well ... I guess there's more than one way to have a ball, eh?

Mike said...

B - I almost didn't notice the bull.