Monday, March 19, 2012

1832 - OK girls

I've had this link for awhile. It's a short article by Jamye Waxman. Who?

Jamye Waxman
I'm an internationally recognized speaker, sex educator and podcaster with a post-graduate degree in human sexuality. I facilitate workshops nationally.

When I saw the name Jamye I thought, "Please make it be a female, please".

And then when I looked for an image for this post all that came up was birds. There was another image but I thought, "I can't use that." Then this one popped up.

So here's a tip for the girls. Pun intended.

And remember, I'm just trying to help the girls be healthy.



Bilbo said...

There's just nothing else I can say that won't get me into trouble.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I'll take that under advisement. :-)

Anonymous said...

Why should that be an issue?

John A Hill said...

Thank you for searching the internet to find these gems!

Mike said...

B - Health article or not? The coin is still in the air.

EPT - I'm just thinking of your health.

A - Because there's billions of versions of normal out there.

J - If you go to google images and search on swallow, you'll see the image that I didn't use.

Dianne said...

aren't swallows also small birds?
and I believe they too contain some protein

Mike said...

D - And they probably taste like chicken.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Oral sex deserves reciprocity.

It's the friendly thing to do.

Lizbeth said...

Dude, I was done swallowing the day he said, "I do."

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Okay Mikey this Jayme is a fake name - this is man's logic if I ever heard it. My husband has told me he's spews chocolate when I tell him I am craving something chocolate. If I have a sore throat he tells me he has Dr. Rick's throat cream.
This was written by a man named James who used his sisters photo and changed the spelling!!

Next will be a man named Bob writting about how you can never have too many pairs of shoes. Yep that'll happen.

I'm With Stupid said...

Your commitment to the well being of women is admirable.


Mike said...

E - Yes it is.

L - So it was 'I do, I don't?'

M - But Jamye is a journalist. She has to tell the truth. And it's on the internet!

J - I thought so. I'm giving myself a pat on the back right now.

Big Sky Heidi said...

It should be no big deal, depending on the tastes of the couple in question.

Mike said...

BSH - Exactly!

Banana Oil said...

But no disclosures or sharing with others, right?

Mike said...

BO - Exactly.

The Bastard King of England said...

It would seem that a BJ would be enough.