April fools. Here's a lottery story going around the internet right now.
Lottery winner comes forward.
It's a convincing story until you realize what day it is.
4 hours ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
So is the joke on us, or on the winners?
I forgot to play tricks today....oh well.
Was there an April Fools doodle on Google today? I'm only getting a plain page. Was that the joke?
I still can't believe I didn't win. I was sure I would. God told me I would. The jerk.
EPT - Both
A - And your day is almost over. Call someone at 11:59 and ask them if their refrigerator is running.
J - I'm not going to check my ticket. I want to think it still might be me.
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