Andrea found this. I thought I'd pass it along.
It was close but revealing nonetheless. On Wednesday, during a campaign stop in Janesville, Wisconsin, Rick Santorum spoke to a crowd and nearly called President Obama a ‘n****r’ before stopping himself in the middle of the word.
Santorum: “We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like, the anti-war government nigg… America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong.”
Did Santorum almost call President Obama the N-word? It certainly sounds like it. Like many conservatives around the country, Santorum has displayed a tendency to inject racism into his rhetoric. Newt Gingrich has called President Obama the “food stamp President.” Santorum once said he didn’t want to make black people’s lives better. Rush Limbaugh has referred to the President as “Barack the magic Negro.” And conservatives have made efforts to pass birther bills all as a response to the color of our President’s skin. Though Santorum managed to stop himself, the damage has already been done. For any Presidential candidate to even come close to using such a word on the national stage is unacceptable. It not only reveals the rampant racism and feelings of white supremacy residing in Santorum’s twisted soul, it reveals the rampant racism and white supremacy feelings that have taken over the Republican Party.
We'll Get To Just Enough
2 hours ago
Sad and disgusting. What more can I say?
B - That pretty much covers it.
Shameful and demagogic.
shameful, disgusting, pitiful and it just adds to my list of reasons I am misanthropic....people like Santorum and his ilk.
He's not acceptable for public office.
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