Tuesday, June 09, 2015

3000 - 3000

Well here I am at post number 3000. Never thought I would be here. I started blogging July 3rd, 2006. Actually that was my second start date. I had done a short blog before that but decided to quit. I deleted the old blog but saved most of the posts. I started this blog by reposting my old posts over a few weeks. The rest is history.

What I have found over the years is that your friends and family generally aren't interested in your blog. Most of your blogging friends are other bloggers. I guess it's a hobby that some people just don't get.

A lot of people have moved on to Facebook, etc. etc. There are too many other platforms to count. And even Blogger was a few steps down the road for me. I started messing with computers in the beginning when all there was was dial up BBS (bulletin board systems). I can still hear the modem screeching trying to sync up with the other modem at the far end.

Then came along Prodigy. I think I signed up in the late 80's. It was still dial up but it offered access to many other sites. It had a monthly subscription fee but access was unlimited, for awhile. Then came the charge for the time you spent online. Goodbye Prodigy. By then other providers had started up and here we are today.

A lot of bloggers have given it up or moved on to other platforms. I look at my sidebar and wonder how long to keep someone on there. Some bloggers announce they are moving on. Others just fade away. I probably should delete Raquel. After 3 plus years I doubt she's coming back. I still miss Numeric Life.

Back when I was around post 2300 or so I wondered if I could make it to 3000 and here I am. I thought, maybe I'll quit again if I can get to 3000. Naaa. Maybe after 5000.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Congratulations, Mike! That is an awesome accomplishment!

Duckbutt said...

Congratulations, Mike!

John A Hill said...


Linda Kay said...

Wow! 3000 is an awesome number to achieve. I've only been following for less than a year, so don't leave me now, okay? You are right about friends and family, although once in a while someone will mention they saw something on my blog. I have to remember that sometimes someone might see the post! ;-)

Cherdo said...

That is fantastic!! I know numbers shouldn't count but there's a lot of effort reflected in those numbers and you never fail to write a post worth reading. I think 10,000 is a better number to shoot for (of course, I'll return and say 20,000 is far better.)


Bilbo said...

Well done, Mike. You and I are getting to be the "elder statesmen" of the blogosphere ... which is a horrifying thought, to be sure.

Anemone said...

A great achievement. I have trouble thinking of something to say.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike! I'm glad that you're still blogging. You are always interesting to read and I count on your jokes to have new ones to pass on. Keep the posts coming; the vote is unanimous!


Mike said...

Thanks to every. I did this post for today and then wound up tied up all day. This is the first chance I've have to do a good look at the internet today. It's like life forces were against me. But you pick up and move one.