Friday, June 19, 2020

4814 - Top ten

It's the top ten COVID-19 conspiracy theories from a Cornell article HERE.

Blaming 5G

Bill Gates as a scapegoat

The virus escaped from a Chinese lab

COVID was created as a biological weapon

The US military imported COVID into China

GMOs are somehow to blame

COVID-19 doesn’t actually exist

The pandemic is being manipulated by the ‘deep state’

COVID is a plot by Big Pharma

COVID death rates are inflated

So go to the link above and get the details from 'alliance for'. Plus there are more links in the article. (Of course there are.)


Elephant's Child said...

And sadly too many of these theories are believed. And manipulated for political gain.
My private theory is that Covid death rates are significantly under reported.

Mike said...

EC - I agree. Underreported for a feel-good politics.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

5G? Okay that one I had not heard but seriously that doesn't even make sense since so view have 5G.

Mike said...

MPP - You hadn't heard of the 5G conspiracy? You're way behind. You had better go buy a new tinfoil hat that gets better reception!

allenwoodhaven said...

A delusional state of mind can come up with some convoluted and ridiculous theories. It's nearly impossible to successfully use logic (or medication) to convince someone it's a delusion. For conspiracies, I like to say "You know how you can tell that it's all true? Because there is NO proof! It must go all the way to the very top!!"

Mike said...

AW - "A delusional state of mind" describes conspiracy theorists to a 'T'.