Monday, October 26, 2020

4945 - Real or not

An Instagramer was challenged to prove her butt was real. What? Yep. Heaven forbid that with all the crap going on these days someone is accused of having a fake butt and then has to prove it's not fake. I guess if you're trying to keep your Instagram follower count up over 800,000 it might be important, maybe.

Oh, you want to see? OK, guys, you want to see?

Looks real enough to me. Butt, you never know. So here's a video.

Where did I run across this? Right HERE. Where's her Instagram page? Right HERE.

This took a lot of research, butt I persevered. Anything for my blogger friends.


Elephant's Child said...

I care not. Mind you plastic surgeons can be bought.
Seeing someone wearing butt-flossing underwear always makes me wince though.

Bilbo said...

She can butt-dial me any time.

Looney John said...

That birds arse is indeed beyond belief in its unparalleled magnificence, it literally defines the joys of heterosexual buggery, if only she had tits like the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 she`d be THE perfect bird. BTW, one other birds incredible arse thats worth seeking out and perfect in the freeze frame mode is that astonishing hitch-hiker bird on the highway right at the beginning of that obscure 1985 movie "Fever Pitch" about gambling (hey, 1985 again when Pauline Hickey was 17, you see how its all falling into place Mike ! ! !) where the bird turned around and her dress blew up revealing that she wasn`t wearing any knickers...WOW..., actually when you`re watching a copy of the film (it should be relatively easy to find on any movie streaming site) its best to freeze frame when the bird first appears on the highway, and then slowly move the film forwards one frame at a time, because then its like the bird is a stripper who is obeying your every order as the dress blows up one joyous frame at a time and that truly unbelievable arse is finally revealed it all its lushious glory. Oh those magic days of VHS and Betamax, great times, lost forever now in the mists of the 20th century.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The butt in the video may be real but the photo above it has clearly been photoshopped to make it look even bigger.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

In your average white woman if she has a great bubble butt her boobs NATURALLY will be smaller than a D. If her boobs are big her butt is flat. Pay attention - it's real. If she has both she bought one. This does not apply to black females or Hispanic females Just your average white woman. I told these guys I work with this theory, a co-worker went to the outer banks and his wife busted him for staring at this woman. He told her my theory so they played this game the entire week. He returned to work and thanked me because he could oogle women on the beach and she just thought he was testing my theory. :-)

Bruce said...

Ozzy man likes the weather report, worth a look speaking of butts.

Mike said...

EC - I'll have to try and find the post of the gal that is wearing a bikini made with floss.

B - absolutely.

LJ - The movie is available online.

DSWS - I may have to check that out in person.

MPP - So that's my 'out' for staring. Just testing Peggy's theory.

Mike said...

B - I think that's a requirement for weather girls south of the American border. All the way to the tip of South America.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Yes Mike, that is your out. I only worked with men and they all told me it worked for them. :-)

Loony John said...

Cheers for telling me Mike, and not forgetting of course Brandy Herreds equally unbelievable arse in "Some call it Loving" (1973) when the bird was doing the naked cheerleader bit especially in the all important freeze frame mode because of the superb positioning of the much loved 35 millimetre photography looking straight up her lushious bum,...COR...,(cor /kôr/
exclamation INFORMAL•BRITISH expressing surprise, excitement, admiration, or alarm). i owned a very expensive Betamax recorder in those days (circa 1987) and as she twirled around and her skirt blew up that birds arse was also quite astonishing in the freeze frame mode as each frame revealed a bit more of her truly amazing arse, and the picture i recorded from the TV was absolutely stunning (much better than VHS) and the freeze frame image was perfect as well, i actually wore out that section of the tape because i`d freeze framed on Brandys mind-bogglingly incredible arse thousands of times, that birds arse was so amazing and one of THE greatest self-help aids of all-time (pre-internet of course).

Mike said...

LJ - I believe you on this one. I'm not going to look it up. No time right now.

Looney John said...

Ok Mike, but it is worth making a note of believe me. 48 years ago Brandy Herrods Arse was: "THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF" as Humphrey Bogart would`ve said.

Mike said...

Brandy Herred.

Looney John said...

Yeah, the bird was about 21 or 22 when "Some call it Loving" was filmed in 1972 and she never appeared in another film but what a "FLASH IN THE PAN" (as it were) that bird was...WEY-HEY...BTW, the film itself is a bit of a bizarre oddity, in fact the ONLY reason to watch it is to see Brandys bum.