Monday, December 13, 2021

5361 - Found too late

I can't remember where I found the second video that lead me to the other two. Speak up if I found it on your blog. They are funny and from when tRUMP was first president, 2017 & 2018. If you have time to watch them they point out how bad tRUMP was even then. They are about 3 minutes each.


Elephant's Child said...

Of course he lies. Often.
Love the parody of Sounds of Silence too - though it made me wince.

Mike said...

Sue - These were right on point back then and now.

Ol' Simmons said...

His years in the White House aged me tremendously. I always knew there were a lot of idiots in this Country, but I found it hard to fathom that there were that many. I do my best to try to not think of angers me too much.

Bilbo said...

I agree with Ol' Simmons. I refuse even to say the former guy's name, which is why I always refer to him as Der Furor. And for those who have pointed it out to me - yes, I know that's not how it's spelled in German. It's a pun. Get over it.

Lady M said...

These are all pretty funny but I agree Ol'Simmons - there is a lot of PTSD from those years. His awful legacy lives on in the supreme( I mean highly politicized who gives a shit about the law) court however.

Mike said...

Simmons - It is unfathomable isn't it.

Bill - "I refuse..." Just like Steven Colbert. I should have kept track of every different name he's called him. I hope someone has been doing that.

Mike said...

Lady - We were typing at the same time!
I don't think the orange turd was smart enough to rig the Supreme Court. It's been said that it was Mcconnells' one major goal before he left. And we know how he cheated his way into the last two appointments. The Dems need to pull a McConnell and get the court back. But they, as always, are being too nice. Well, except for the two asshole Senators.

Country Cottage said...

These are all brilliant. I just hope to god he never gets voted in again - the world's already at a topping point!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I made myself listen to all of them to remind me of the horror of those years. We're not finished with him yet.

I'm now going to lie down and drink that little bottle of gin I have tucked away for emergencies.

Mike said...

CC - Heaven help us if he manages to get elected to ANYTHING again.

Shaw - These videos can crank up your anxiety level a little.