Sunday, November 15, 2009

975 - Subway

Not the sandwich shop. The real place. There's a new site that's copying the 'people of walmart' site. It's called ...... wait ...... I've got it here somewhere ...... HEY, it's the public transit people site. So Bilbo, you need to be careful what your doing and wearing on the bus because a lot of these pictures are coming from the east coast. (there's video's too)

I think a new trend has started in websites. People of ...... I wonder which one my picture is going to wind up on. People picking their ........? NO WAIT! People falling off roofs!

Here's one of the funnier subway pictures.



Amanda said...

Extra pressure for Bilbo here!

Bilbo said...

Great. I needed something else to worry about. Sigh. Great picture, though.

vw: mactom - a male Scottish cat.

Bandit said...

All I have to say is no wait I can't say that.

Mike said...

A - We'll see if he finally goes over the edge. (and retires)

B - Great WV. I think I see Mactom in the picture.

B - You're going to explode trying to keep it in.

Wv: leadasis - This has so many possibilities I can't decide.

Jay said...

That girl is giving birth to a cat. That's kind of weird.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

OMG!! I foresee hours of my life going to that site, just so I can feel normal :)

Mike said...

J - Maybe what they told you in grade school was right. There's teeth down there. Think about THAT next time.

M - Amen to that.