Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1680 - Misc.

Finally, my picture post file is cleaned out. Not the subfiles. Just the main one.

The new flag of The Corporate States of America.

I say go to the floor where the fire is and finish your text there. Then leave the building.

So what if google gives you 50 million hits. It gives you something to do for the afternoon.

This reminds me of all the ballplayers thanking God for smiting the other team so they could do good. God should push that smite button more often.

And how many times have you seen the Marylin Monroe statue from the front and wondered about the back? I'm glad the picture was taken with a bunch of women underneath.



Bilbo said...

Sure do wish I had a smite button...

vw: undlyjvg - not dlyjvg.

I'm With Stupid said...

If you have a smart phone, you can tweet while leaving the building. That would be much more efficient.


Mike said...

B - I bet there are a lot of congressmen that are glad you don't.

J - Efficiency is always good at the scene of a fire.

Anonymous said...

Funny God! :P