I know. I pick on Republicans more than Democrats. That's because they've earned it over years. With a little help from the Huffington Post we now have a Republican dictionary. Here are the first few entries.
•America (United States of): A country located in the N. Western Hemisphere that is #1.
•Bible: A sacred text that provides incontestable answers when thumped.
•Birth Certificate: An official birth record required of all US Presidents, regardless of race, since 2008.
•Capitalism: A system of economic organization that has never been attempted.
•Christmas: A holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, now rarely celebrated due to persecution by atheists.
•Compromise: (uncommon) A form of political suicide.
For the rest of them go HERE.
Religion in a Nutshell
10 minutes ago
Today is 11-1-11.
Hey Mike thank you. I am having a difficult month/year/week. These made me laugh. I needed it so. thx
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
B - 110111 is 55.
M - Don't let anyone thump on you.
J - Keep saying that. Repetition will bury it in your brain so deep it will never get out.
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